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Service Schedule

Dear faithful, the upcoming church services are as follows:

Update to Service Schedule:


The Service Schedule for tomorrow 1/26/25 

- Typica in Slavonic at 9:30am and in English at 10:30am. 

Unfortunately, Fr. John Somers is ailing and unable to travel.  Matushka and the children are now ailing as well. Please keep them all in your prayers.





We invite you to join us at Zoom meetings on the topic of Orthodoxy held every Thursday from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm by Fr. Theodore Giannakopoulos.

Please send your email address to for a Zoom invitation to be sent to you.  

Мы приглашаем вас на Лекции на тему Правослaвия, которые будут проводиться отцом Теодором Гианакополос каждый четверг с 17.30 до 18.30. Пожалуйста, пришлите свой email на адрес, чтобы вам было выслано приглашение на Zoom лекции.



Visit our parish in person or call in for our church services. 

Phone line: 805-200-4840, ID 8500858#.

We now offer free virtual Russian language classes with Larisa for all ages, at the church hall.

Every Sunday, 12:30-1:30 pm.      


Below, you can see a link to the sermon given by our ruling Bishop, Metropolitan Demetrius.

Also, we add these 2 links (below) to the readings on the topic of importance of the Church calendar:


and Ecumenism as the Pan-Heresy:

published by our Synod of Bishops.




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