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Our Dearest!
At this time, when the Orthodox teachings are easily overlooked, washed down and attacked from all directions,
in order to help you refresh the perception of the correct standings, we would like to introduce you a book:
(the text is copied from www.saintnicodemos.org. Russian version of the book is available upon request)
A book
The Holy Fathers on
Dear Reader,
We live in a time characterized by Rebellion against the Apostolic and ecclesiastical Orthodox spirituality of the Holy Fathers. Alarming is also the great multitude of the visible and invisible enemies of the Orthodox Church. Enemies from without and within, and the danger exists that we may become confused, misled, scandalized and spiritually hypothermic if we fail to guard ourselves with the fail-safe direction of the Holy Fathers. We are listening today to many different voices about salvation, unconditional love, peace, joy, sharing, christian unity, ecumenism, love with no bounds, branch theories, ecumenical services, interfaith prayers, etc.
What may have been lacking in our spiritual diet are some honest direct answers to some serious questions which our faithful often have such as:
-Shouldn't we forget differences with the other Christians and concentrate on "common ground"?
-Aren't we being somewhat arrogant by maintaining that only Orthodoxy has the truth?
-Is the Holy Spirit in every Christian regardless of Creed?
-Can we visit and pray with the "Non-Orthodox" (we dare not say heretics!) especially with the Roman Catholics since "we are almost like them"?
-Can we have fellowship with other Christians (non-Orthodox) who believe and love Christ?
-Must we worship correctly to be saved?
-Is it better to be a strong and committed Protestant Christian than a marginal sinful Orthodox?
-If the Holy Spirit and its gifts can be possessed outside of the Orthodox Church then why do we need to Chrismate those that convert to Orthodoxy?
-Is it possible that this action of the Church to re-Chrismate the new converts speak loud and clear that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are lacking in the other Christian bodies?
-If salvation can be secured in every Christian creed then where is the crime of keeping Orthodoxy "America's best kept secret"?
Dear Reader,
If you have been struggling with these questions, you are certainly not alone. The spirit of confusion is widespread, about as widespread as the spirit of the ecumenistic movement which has been romancing the "fronema" (mindset) of the Western Christian for over half a century.
As we have stated in some of our past work, ecumenism in the true sense, is having all of humanity embrace the truth of the gospel, having every person on this planet come to the Truth Himself, The Christ. However, the type of ecumenism that accepts all Christian confessions as equal (Branch Theory), that is equally sharing bits and pieces of the truth and teaches love about truth, ignorance of dogma for the sake of peace, and disregard of differences which tend to divide, this type of ecumenism is the latest child of Free Masonry and the great-grandfather of the Antichrist, a true menace of the Church.
Naturally, the "lovers of all" the "unconditional lovers and peacemakers" and the deluded blind followers of the Branch Theory will stereotype our message as one of narrow-mindedness, conservativism, judgmentalism, egotism, fanaticism, and criticism to say the least. Initially you may even agree with them, after all who wants friction, strife, unrest and controversy, when love and peace is such a wonderful alternative.
But did you ever consider that Orthodoxy is not limited to a few isolated individuals or a few decades or certain topographies? Orthodoxy is the universal (Catholic) Church of Christ and the Militant Church is in complete communion with the Triumphant Church that cloud of witnesses, martyrs, confessors, teachers, saints and the Apostles who "tested the spirits" over the centuries to preserve for us the secure and proven path that leads to theosis? Our "fronema" (way of thinking) must be an extension or at least be in complete harmony with their beliefs and thoughts. Their lifestyle, "The lives of the Saints" constitutes the true interpretation of the gospel, they did not simply study the gospel, but they lived it by their very action. Not necessarily scholars, they were the true theologians. Today's children of scholasticism and rationalism, a new breed of modern theologians are slowly eroding the authority of our Church Fathers in order to justify their positions.
Dear Reader, let's "test the spirits", fully understanding that if "our spirit" contradicts and flatly opposes the genuine spirit of our Holy Fathers we run the great risk of self-excommunication. Let's not be deceived, no one understood the Love of Christ more than our Saints. Often they sold themselves as slaves to give the proceeds to the poor yet always ready to spill their blood for the truth.
In an attempt to help our brothers and sisters who love the truth, we will present some articles, statements, confessions, and short verses from a number of various Church Fathers from throughout the centuries. Let's be careful however, because according to our modern Christian thought and criteria we may find their message full of conservativism, judgmentalism, egotism, fanaticism, and criticism to say the least. My friend be aware that no one deceives you. Their messages are full of love for the Truth, fully understanding that in the absence of Truth there can be no Love in the Christian sense.
Constantine Zalalas
The Holy Scriptures On Non Orthodox Teaching
"Whosoever shall break one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same he shall be called least in the kingdom of God". Matthew 5:19
The bad teacher, according to Zigavinos, has no place in the kingdom of heaven.
Jesus said to them, "watch out that no one deceives you".Matthew 24:4
"For many will come in My name claiming, I am the Christ, and will deceive many".Matthew 24:5
"and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people".Matthew 24:11
"for false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect, if that were possible. See I have told you ahead of time." Matthew 24:25
The apostles have also warned us about the danger of heretics (non-Orthodox Christians). They instructed the early Christians to be on guard against false teachers and their heretical and destructive teachings. Savage wolves dressed in sheep's clothing does not necessarily refer to New Agers or Buddhists or atheists, but to Christians who went astray!!!
"I know that after I leave savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock. Even from your own numbers men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them."Acts 20:29-30
"If anyone preaches to you a gospel other than what you received, let him be anathema (eternally lost)!"Galatians 1:9
"Don't let anyone deceive you in any way."2 Thessalonians 2:3
"Some have these (concerning the faith) so they have shipwrecked their faith. Among them are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have handed over to Satan to be taught not to blaspheme. 1 Timothy 1:20
Is St. Paul being judgemental here about these two Christians who decided in their minds that they could formulate their own beliefs? Let's be very careful because it is the Holy Spirit that is speaking through St. Paul!!!
"The Spirit clearly says that in later times "some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons."1 Timothy 4:1
All false teachings (heresies) small or large are teachings inspired by demons!!!
"If you point these things out to the brothers you will be a good minister of Christ Jesus brought up in the truth of the faith."1 Timothy 4:6
"If anyone teaches false doctrines and does not agree to the sound instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ and to godly teaching he is conceited and understands nothing."1 Timothy 6:3
Do the Protestants, Roman Catholics and non-denominationalists teach any false doctrines? Hundreds of them!!! According to St. Paul, they understand nothing about the Mystery of Godliness!!! (They are full of intellectual scholasticism.)
"For the time will come when men (Christians) will not put up with sound doctrine...they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear."2 Timothy 4:3
"Alexander the metal worker did me a great deal of harm. The Lord will repay him for what he has done...at my first defense no one came to my support but everyone deserted me."2 Timothy 4:14-16
St. Paul does not hesitate to name the enemies of the Church in order to protect the faithful.
"Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings."Hebrews 13:9
"...just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies."2Peter 2:1
The apostle Peter is plainly teaching us that false teachings (heresies, teachings of the demons, un-Orthodox beliefs and doctrines) cause loss of salvation!!!
"Dear friends, do not believe every spirit but test the spirits."1 John 4:1
"Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God."2 John 1:9
No Christ, No God!!!
"If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching do not take him into your home or welcome him."2 John 1:10
"I wrote to the Church but Diotrephes who loves to be first will have nothing to do with us...gossiping maliciously about us."3 John 1:9
St. John, much like St. Paul, does not hesitate to expose the heretical Diotrephes because his egotism was a stumbling block to the Church.
Generally, heretical teachers and enemies of the Truth were exposed and named in the Holy Scriptures. However the names of great sinners, such as the Thief on the Cross, the harlots and the incestuous person in Corinth, were silenced. This is a clear indication that a man "possessed by false teaching" is far more dangerous than a man of immorality and bodily passions. According to St. Paul such a man is self-judged. It is nearly impossible for such a man to return to the fold.
The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of the Americas was truly blessed by the stature of the ever-memorable Archbishop Michael, a great spiritual leader of our times. The following article was found in the personal library of Father Nicholas Elias in Bethlehem Pennsylvania who fell asleep in the Lord several years ago.
...Continued under the tab Books...